It is the focal point for all of our research and all information we collect will be connected to this page.
I will update this site within 12 hours of class. You should check this blog frequently, it is part of the participation grade!
Whats it all about?
We are investigating the role video games play in society and we are cataloging video games into the Video Game Genome Project
In class today
Pick your 3 games?
We need to make our initial blogs! You will each need a personal research blog which will be based on your specific game.
Video Game Database : the Video Games Genome Project
* a new way to define Video Games
- Lets look at the Categories
- Game Name
- System
- Genre
- Type
- Point of View
- Year Released
- Rating
- Image Box
- Image Screen Shot
- Review
- Wiki Address Link
Each of you needs a game system and access to games to complete this course.